Personal Development Plan Template for an amazing 2021!

3 min readJan 3, 2021

We are just kicking off 2021 so you may be seriously thinking about your New Year’s Resolutions and how to make them happen. To help you on this we’re sharing our Personal Development Plan Template.

Your Personal Development Plan will be a living document that you update on a regular basis that breaks down your New Year’s Resolutions into concrete, actionable steps that allow you to make actual progress.

Recommended Structure

A Personal Development Plan that sets you up for success should have the following structure:

Personal Development Plan structure

1. Your end goals / new year’s resolutions

These are the objectives that, at the end of the year, you’d like to have achieved. These should be easily measurable and well-defined (consider using the SMART framework for this).

As you define these goals, think about what else you need to do in order to get there: are there any other goals you need to achieve? What about changes to your routine? Or perhaps issues or obstacles you need to resolve?

2. Your supporting goals

The objectives that contribute towards the success of the other parts of your Personal Development Plan.




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